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All Commands

jet –help

jet --help


Display help text for the CLI.

To display help for a section, add --help after a subcommand.

For example, to display help for the stream command, use jet stream --help.

Example Output
> jet stream --help
Create and run a network of data sources.
Usage: jet stream [OPTIONS] [configurations...]

  configurations TEXT ...     Configuration files to load.

  -h,--help     Print this help message and exit
  -s,--silent   Don't log any debug or error messages
  -t,--test     Test configuration and exit without running

jet –version

jet --version


Display the version for the CLI.

Example Output
> jet --version
TelemetryJet CLI (version 0.0.1, platform Windows-10.0.19042, architecture AMD64)

jet stream

jet stream


Load one or more configuration files, and start streaming data between data sources. You can specify JSON files with relative paths, absolute paths, or Glob syntax to select files using a pattern.

For more information about how to create a configuration file, see Usage.


  • -s,--silent: Don’t output any debugging information. With this flag enabled, the only data printed to standard output will be values from console-output data sources. This can be used when piping the output of jet to another program.

  • -t,--test: Load the configurations, but don’t actually start the network. This can be used to validate and test your configuration files.

  • -e,--exit: Exit immediately if there is an error. Normally, the CLI will continue to run and try to reconnect if a data source loses connection, for example, a USB serial device is unplugged or network connection is lost. With this flag applied, the CLI will log an error and exit instead.

Example Output
> jet stream config1.json

jet list-ports

jet list-ports


List available serial ports. This utility command can be used to find serial port names, for use in any of the serial stream data sources.


  • -v,--verbose: Display additional metadata for the port, including transport type, hardware identifiers, and any other information available. This can help distinguish the ports available.
Example Output
> jet list-ports --verbose
 - Description: Communications Port (COM1)
 - Transport: Software
TelemetryJet © 2020, Chris Dalke · sitemap.xml ·